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Development and implementation of technologies providing technogenic and environmental safety in the coal mining regions under the liquidation of the mining enterprises of Ukraine


Аиthors:BuzyloV.I., GrebyonkinS.S., Ermakov V.M., PavlychenkoA.V., Pavlysh V.N., RyabichevV.D.

An important problem of overcoming catastrophic man-made, environmental and social consequences of coal industry restructuring in Ukraine and environmental safety processes of mass liquidation of unprofitable coal mines is solved.

Theory is developed and a system of technological and environmental safety management of coal mining regions in the liquidation of mining companies is created, the mechanisms of rock mass transformation and the degradation of environmental objects depending on types of coal mines liquidation are set.

A management technology of rock mass stress-strain state in the "dry" and "wet" method to the coal mines liquidation is developed, as well as technological schemes to reduce the negative impact of abandoned mines inflows to operation of existing mining companies, and technology of engineering protection of the earth's surface from flooding and waterlogging; and methods of waste disposal extraction.

Introduction of authors developments the at the State Enterprises "Doncoalrestructuring" and "Luganskcoalrestructuring" allowed to provide implementation of requirements of technological and environmental safety at all stages of the coal mines  liquidation and to gain economic benefit of more than 110 million grn.

Scientific results of work are shown in the 12 books and over 150 articles. Novelty and competitive of technical solutions are protected by 5 copyright certificates and patents. Three doctoral and six candidate theses are defended on this subject.