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Regulatory system of information support assessment of forest biological productivity Ukraine

Work number - M 97 AWARDED

AuthorsBilousА.М., candidate of agric. sci., Vasylyshyn R.D., candidate of agric. sci., Lakyda I.P., candidate of agric. sci., Movchan D.M., candidate of geogr. sci.

Presented by the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

Purpose – to develop a system of reference and information supportfor evaluation of biological productivity of forests in Ukraine as an information basis for sustainable use of forest resources.

Theoretical and methodological basesfor research of bioproductivity of forests, their energy and environmental potential are developed. Fundamental results on growth and development of forest stands, forming live biomass of trees and stands of main forest forming tree species and peculiarities of carbon sequestration and oxygen production by forest phytocoenoses, as well as evaluating energy potential of forests are achieved. Bioproductivity of forestsis also assessed using remote sensing techniques.

 New approaches to determine energy potential of forests and forest productivity estimation based on remote sensingare proposed, methodological approaches to forest decipherment based on data of Geoeye and Landsatsatellite imagery.

A methodology for assessing live biomass of shrub willows in natural phytocenoses is developed. The practical significance of the work lies in introduction of principles of sustainable use of forest resources by providing forest inventory branch with a set of modern reference and information support for assessment of bioproductivityof Ukrainian forestswith its implementation in the system of forestry enterprises of the State Agency of forest resources of Ukraine, PA "Ukrderzhlisproekt" and other institutions.

Application of the developed methodological foundations of remote assessment of forest parameters according to satellite images dataenables monitoring the qualitative state of forests,tracking changes in forests, exploring cycle of substances.

Number of publications: 190, including 8 monographs on the scientific work topic, 2 reference books,6 brochures, 87 articles (8 – in foreign journals).