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Mechanisms of public management of continuous education development: meeting global challenges

Work number - M 55 AWARDED

Presented Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Semenets-Orlova I. A., Gunchenko K. M.

It is disclosed procedural aspects of educational changes, the objective nature of changes in education as branch which has safety measurement  is proved and then, it is necessary the purpose of development of an education system, proceeding from relevant and objective requirements of society.

The essence and features of philosophical and methodological and theoretical bases of the research of public management of educational changes in Ukraine in the context of world and national public processes is analyzed and opened. It is established that introduction of changes is modern approach to management. Formation of open polysubject educational space in which the set new educational the practician is formed expressing ideas of society of quality of education, in work is proved by application of humanitarian approach in public management of educational changes.

Special signs, functionality of educational changes are characterized, their typology in modern theoretical interpretations are defined. Definition of educational changes as difficult phenomena in education, reflecting transformational dynamics of multidirectional transformations in education as to complete system, in its functions and structure, institutions, the statuses and roles of participants of the relations in education, other spheres, the organizations where educational activity is carried out is formulated. It is noted that educational changes are a type of social changes of meso-level which at the level of concrete institutions and the organizations can be defined as organizational changes and to be connected with organizational training. The subject field and categorical management personnel by educational changes with use of synergetic approach is explored. It is noted that sustainable development of the organizations demands the planned changes. Fundamental educational changes include reorganizations in the educational ideas, norms, organizational mechanisms and a framework which constitute education as social institute. When such changes happen, there can be new educational institutions for addition or replacement of the existing institutions. Assuming as a basis the adduced arguments, managements of educational changes can be determined as a type of social management. It is noted that the problem of management of educational changes is very specific and doesn't fit into the majority of concepts of organizational development as in the system of public education (proceeding from its special social role) is difficult to apply measuring indicators of economic character. It is disclosed the content and specifics of educational changes as tool base (subsystem) of organizational development, the place of the theory of educational changes in theories of the organization is proved. It is noted what in the system of scientific knowledge of management of changes is a part of the theory of the organization, from the middle of the 20th century it was issued in independent branch of knowledge and has the expressed applied character.

Organizational development is value-oriented process of a self-assessment and introduction of the planned changes according to strategic objectives and operational tasks. Management of changes is one of the instruments of organizational development. The method of management of projects is widespread means in practice of management of educational changes. It is noted that resistance to educational changes more results arises from an organizational context in which there is a change, that is (micro political) forces in system. From here, the integral component of governance process by educational changes is providing and analytical maintenance of organizational readiness.

Number of publications: 165 scientific and scientific-methodical works, incl. 5 monographs, 52 articles, including 8 articles published in Scopus/Web of science scientometric databases. The number of citations in Google Scholar is 141, the h-index is 6. The number of citations in Scopus is 15, h-index is 2.