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Proteins’ obtaining and application for diagnosis and treatment of infectious and non-infectious diseases


Presented Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1. STOHNII Yevhenii – PhD, research fellow of the Department of Protein Structure and Functions of Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
2. SIROMOLOT Andrii – PhD, research fellow of the Department of Molecular Immunology of Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

An antigenic substances based on the immunodominant proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis/Mycobacterium bovis MPT63 and MPT83 were obtained by the authors. Test-systems "IB-Chem Anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis" and IB-Chem Anti-Mycobacterium bovis" using the recombinant chimeric proteins MPT83-MPT63 or MPT83(FLD115-220)-MPT63 fusion for serodiagnosis of tuberculosis based on ELISA were developed. These diagnostic kits offered by us exceeds the existing ones with respect to the reliability criteria, sensitivity and specificity of the analysis. It was shown that proteinase from the culture liquid of Bacillus thuringiensis, venoms of Gloydius halys halys аnd venoms of E. multisquamatus are effective antithrombotic agents.

Number of publications: 8 papers in journals included in category "A" (including 3 foreign paper) and 4 articles in journals included in category "B", 11 abstracts of oral and poster reports. The total number of references to authors' papers/h-index by work according to the databases is, respectively: Web of Science 0 / 0 , Scopus 7 / 3 , Google Scholar 29 / 4. Availability 3 utility model patents.
