Work number - M 24 AWARDED
Presented Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
1. YAKOVENKO Yaroslava Yuryivna – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University;
2. BILIK Maryna Yuriivna - Candidate of Economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business administration, marketing and tourism of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University;
3. Oliynyk Yevgenia Valeriivna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
The work is devoted to the processes of ensuring digital innovative business development in the context of ensuring competitiveness. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the main scientific provisions and research results have been brought to the level of methodological developments and practical recommendations for the development of digital innovations in modern conditions, which will allow business (which, given the specifics of the time, will be primarily digital) to carry out activities through the prism of economic freedom, deregulation, digital sustainability and adaptability. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development of a complex of theoretical and scientific-methodical provisions regarding the innovative development of business structures, taking into account the modern trends of digitalization as a catalyst of innovative and technological transformations. As a result of the implementation, the conceptual foundations of the digital transformation of the traditional supply chain as a driver of innovative development have been improved.
In contrast to the existing approaches, the main three directions of influence of digitization were highlighted. This approach allows for effective development and competitiveness due to self-optimization of productivity, self-adaptation and automation of process management; organizational and information support of digital supply chains of business structures and the use of the PLS-SEM model, which allows not only for analysis of these chains, but also to form sound management decisions. This approach makes it possible to ensure business competitiveness through the use of digital technologies in supply chain management; and systematic consideration of the interrelationships of enterprises with their internal and external environment, which ensures the integration of Ukrainian business structures into the European digital space. This approach allows for a comparative diagnosis of market positions, as it provides an opportunity not only to assess the current state but also potential opportunities and threats for business in the context of digital transformation.
Number of publications: collective monographs , including 4 international; 18 publications in Scopus and WoS publications; 27 articles in scientific specialized publications of Ukraine, included in category "B"; 1 individual theses in collections of conference materials. The total number of references to publications authors/h-index by work according to with databases is respectively: Web of Science 11/3, Scopus 138/11, Google Scholar 724/29. 15 certificates of copyright registration for the work were received.