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Model legal acts: the theory and practice of realization

Work number - M 58 FILED

Presented by:National Academy of Internal Affairs

Author:Oleksiy Kolodiy


The purpose of the cycle of scientific works devoted to the study of model legal acts is seen in the fact that they gradually begin to play a more visible role in the system of legal acts in general, since ensuring the systemicity of national law and legislation, coherence, and consistency between their elements are possible, inter alia, by adopting model regulatory and model law-enforcement acts.

The scientific novelty of the obtained results is determined by the fact that within the cycle of scientific works for the first time in domestic science the conceptual understanding of model legal acts was investigated and developed, the practice of their realization was analyzed, on the basis of which formulated the final positions, conclusions, recommendations and proposals aimed at their practical use. in the national legal system.

The scientific and practical significance of the cycle of scientific works is manifested in the fact that the results obtained are used in law-making and law-enforcement activities, which are fundamental to the further development of the theory of state and law, are the basis for educational activities, in particular, used during the preparation of textbooks, manuals, lecture courses , teaching and methodological recommendations, as well as the teaching of the disciplines «Theory of state and law», «Jurisprudence», «International law», etc.

The cycle of scientific papers «Model legal acts: theory and practice of implementation» consists of 14 scientific works, among them: 1 monograph, 7 scientific articles, 2 of them in professional editions of foreign countries, 5 thesis papers on scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences and round tables, dissertation dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

According to the search engine «Google Scholar», the total number of refereed publications O.A. The colony is 6, the total number of citations of scientific works included in the cycle is 6, the h-index is equal to 2.

One candidate's thesis is defended on this subject.