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Bases of electronic circuits theory


Textbook presented by National University “Lviv Polytechnic”.

The textbook is designed for students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, graduate students, lecturers, and professionals in the fields of information technology and electronics involved in the process of creation, transmission, processing and storing information whose lesson plans included discipline "Fundamentals of the theory of electronic circuits" and related disciplines. Textbook belongs to a new generation of educational tools that comprehensively combines both traditional and modern forms of computer training, which helped to cover all types of classes (lectures, practical and laboratory classes) who practiced in Universities of Ukraine. It can be classified as electronic textbook.

Textbook contains three parts: theoretical material, practical tasks with solutions, laboratory practical means of computer simulation. Self-rating is done by stochastic tasks packages of three difficulty levels, measured a certain number of points on which the final rate is formed. Implemented an interactive mode with tips and linked to theoretical material of the textbook to other sources of information. Laboratory practicum consists of two parts: virtual simulation using computers and field experiments to assess the reliability and accuracy of research results. All components are presented both in text and electronic versions. Moreover electronic versions are not simple copies of relevant sections of the text, but have the form that allows you to maximise the capabilities of modern computers. The electronic version recorded on the CD that comes with the textbook. This textbook has no analogues in Ukraine and known counterparts in Eastern Europe.

The textbook used in universities of Ukraine and its abridged version published in Poland (Łódź Technical University).

The content of the textbook meets requirements of the specialties "Electronics", "Micro- and nano- systems technique", "Computer engineering", "Computer Science and Information Technology", "Applied Physics and Nano materials". Its volume and content meets the requirements set out in the latest regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Teaching material, described in the textbook, used by the authors for many years in the educational process at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and other universities and educational institutions of Ukraine.