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Problems of child labour in the modernization of the socio-economic sphere of Ukraine

Work number - M 34 AWARDED

Author: O. Р. Mulska, PhD in economic sciences,

Presented by the State institution «Institute of regional research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»


A series of scientific works consists of 3 monographs and 2 scientific articles published during 2009-2014.

The basis for justification of scientific and methodological bases and development of practical recommendations on development of mechanisms of regulation of child labour in the modernization of the socio-economic sphere of Ukraine are created, andensure an adequate standard of living of children.

Scientific results are to develop an innovative approach to modelling the well-being of children involved in the formation of the resources of households of Ukraine on the basis of the method of weighting the indices of the multidimensional average values for a specific period. Presents the author's methodology contributes to the definition of the system of indicators of standard of living, socio-cultural and spiritual development of children (demographic, infrastructural, socio-economic and socio-cultural), as well as assessing the effectiveness of their social protection taking into account the objective regularities and peculiarities of formation of mechanisms of regulation of child labour in Ukraine.

The author carried out the production of non-traditional tasks on defining child labour and the extension of the classification criteria forms and types of child labour taking into account such criteria signs, such as labour conditions, stability, and sector of economic activity, conformity to legal and regulatory standards.

The new approaches to the formation of child labour monitoring are proposed, which based on behavioural patterns of children involved in the formation of the resources of households of Ukraine and the assessment of features of forms of employment of children and consequences of child labour on the basis of the conducted sociological research.

The results of the cycle are important to determine the priorities of the implementation mechanisms of regulation of child labour in the regions of Ukraine with the positions of the accounting system of social protection of children associated with ensuring the rights of every child to a standard of living adequate for physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development.

The results of the scientific research described in 26 publications, including in 1 monograph (without co-authors) and 2 collective monographs, 6 articles in scientific journals, 1 article in a foreign publication, 13 articles in materials of conferences, in scientific report and 2 articles in other national journals.