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Kuznetsova L.V., Pileckiy A.M., Gavrilenko T.I., Litus V.I., Romaniuk L.I., Babadzhan V.D., Kravchun P.G., Elizarova T.A.


Tutorial"Immunology"  consist of general immunology (structure and principles of functioning of the immune system, immunological methods of diagnostics, the concept of immune status and immunogramm), immunopathology (immune defense mechanisms against bacterial, viral and fungal infections, primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, immunopathogenesis, immunodiagnostics, immunotherapy of HIV infection, autoimmunity, transplantation immunology, immunology of reproduction, oncoimunology), treatment of immune deficiency, immunization and immunorehabilitation, pathogenesis, prevalence, clinic, immunodiagnosis of allergic diseases, methods performing skin tests, molecular diagnostics of allergy to recombinant allergens, treatment and prevention of allergic diseases, specific immunotherapy. Particular attention is given in the sections on allergy, the group most threatening allergic diseases such as anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioedema, drug, food, insect allergy, which are the clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis. Moderndiagnostic and therapeutic technologies of patients with allergic diseases, help inemergency cases have also been described in the book. Tutorial are presented in a single block.

Tutorial"Immunology" established in accordance with the curriculum teaching of specialization and pre-certification courses on "Clinical Immunology", "Laboratory Immunology" and "Allergology" for the students of medical universities of Postgraduate Education Level IV accreditation. Correspond to chapters of the textbooktraining programs for studentsin educational qualification levels "Bachelor" and "Master" in the study of educational discipline "Clinical Immunology and Allergology" specialties "Medicine", "Pediatrics" and "Medical and prophylactic business" for the students 5-year medical university IV level of accreditation, as well as curriculum subjects "Clinical Immunology and Allergology" and "Laboratory immunology" for students of educational and qualification levels "Bachelor" and "Master" specialty "Laboratory diagnosis".

Tutorial"Immunology"  on a thematic volume, depth of presentation materials, novel approaches to diagnosis and treatment of immunopathological conditions and allergic diseases have no analogues in Ukraine and Russia and correspond to the content and level of writing the most modern foreign analogs.