Work number - P 42 FILED
Submitted by JSC "Scientific and Production Joint Stock Company "VNIIkompressormash "
Purpose - scientific substantiation, development and widespread introducing of modern energy-saving compressor equipment and technology of the new generation of its application in differentindustries.
In this paper we solve important scientific and technical problems of development scientific bases of creation new composite materials for parts and components of the compressor equipment, creating methods of calculation and design of heat exchangers and improve methods for calculating the regime parameters of compressor units and creation on this basis of a new generation of compressor equipment and methods for its use in oil, gas, coal, mine methane production, to improve the efficiency and safety of processes in other areas of industry, which is essential for the stable development of Ukraine.
In the coal industry of Ukraine introduced more than 1000 units of shaft compressor, in paramilitary rescue squads introduced nitrogen membrane screw mobile stations. In coal mines introduced gas-recycling compressors UKG 5/8 in the amount of 3 plants with capacity 1551 m3 per hour (all plants using recycled more than 21 million m3 of methane, the total operating time was about 60 thousand hours).
Delivered more 210 compressor units for drilling rigs on ore-processing plants in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia. Produced more than 550 units of brake screw compressor units VV-3.5 / 10, which are successfully used for locomotive, diesel and so on.
The actual economic effect of the introduction a new generation of compressor equipment is more then ten billion UAH.
Number of publications: 7 monographs, 100 articles (10 - international publications), 50 patents and the industry standard. On this theme defended 4 doctoral and 5 PhD theses.