Work number - M 67 AWARDED
Zhuchenko AA, Ivitsky II, Tsapar VS, Ivitska DK
Presented for the annual prizes of the President of Ukraine for young scientists in 2018
In this paper, the actual scientific and practical task of developing innovative computer-integrated technology complexes for the production of intellectual polymeric and silicate compositional materials has been solved.
Mathematical models for design and simulation of processes have been created. The analysis of factors influencing the technological process, such as the presence of wall effects in materials, or impurities / modifiers, is carried out. Designed and patented design of processing equipment units for obtaining intelligent materials by various methods. Designed and patented devices for monitoring the position of intelligent sensors in the material in real time. The technique and technical realization of the automation of the complex is developed. The software for complex management is developed.
The presentation of the results of the work at the University of Koruna (Koruna, Spain) in the framework of the international grant for the project TEMPO (Trans-European Mobility Project on Education for Subtenable Development) of the Erasmus Mundus program and the meeting of the international experts of the Center for resource-efficient and Cleaner production established under the UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) project.
The materials of the work received significant support from domestic manufacturers, as well as the Institute for Problems of Materials Science. THEM. Frantsevich NAS of Ukraine. In particular, LLC "KRYPTON-M" and LLC "Optocon Ukraine" with their reviews mentioned work noted its high relevance for the development of materials for the military industry and special communication. "Комбінат Будіндустрії" OJSC indicated the expediency of using the authors' development in the production of modern building materials. "Remivik", which designs biomedical devices and systems for the needs of domestic and European markets, noted the computer-integrated technologies developed in the work and the technologies for the input of intelligent materials into polymer products are already being applied at the enterprise in the design of technological processes, the creation of biomedical devices, as well as the methods of nondestructive testing of products created in the work will be used in the design of equipment for monitoring the deformed state of biomedical devices and monitoring the residual life of their work Thus, the presented work solves a very important issue of public health in general and people's lives in particular.
Scientific results of the work are reflected in 4 monographs, 64 articles. The novelty and competitiveness of technical solutions are protected by 34 patents.
The total number of publications of authors on the topic of work 217.