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Deep structure of the lithosphere and seismic hazard in Ukraine


Authors: Kendzera A. V., Omelchenko V. D., Lysynchuk D. V., Legostaeva O. V., Grin D. M., Kolomiyets K. V., Tolkunov A. P., Chulkov S. S.


Presented by S. I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the Ukrainian National Sciences Academy.


The purpose of the work is to study the deep structure and geodynamics of the lithosphere in Ukraine using the velocity models of new experimental wide-angle deep seismic data to provide the needs of the national economy by mineral resources and to determine the quantitative parameters of seismic hazard of buildings and structures for their protection against earthquakes.

The paper presents the results of seismic hazard studies all over Ukraine, as well as local regions, up to the separated buildings and operating platforms. The results are based on seismological materials and related geophysical observations, deep structure and geodynamics of the lithosphere, which were obtained by wide-angle regional seismic projects along profiles EUROBRIDGE'97, DOBRE'99, DOBRE-2, PANCAKE, DOBRE- DOBRE-4 and 5. Velocity models along the series of regional profiles provided new information about geological structure geodynamic development of the Earth crust and upper mantle in the territory of Ukraine.

Authorshave developed the earthquakes protection concept and seismic hazard quantification methodology of earthquake assessing for designing of buildings and important technological and environmentally hazardous facilities. The seismic conditions for the location of Chernobyl, Khmelnytsky, Rivne, South-Ukrainian, Zaporizhzhia nuclear power stations (PS), Kiev, Kahovska and Dniester PS, Odessa and Chyhyryn hydropackingPS and a number of other facilities in seismic zones of Ukraine were studied.

The geodynamic polygons and local seismic stations networks for monitoring the geodynamic processes in the complexes of Novodnistrovsk PS, Khmelnytsky, Rivne, South-Ukrainian, Zaporizhzhia nuclear PS and the territory of Kyiv district were developed.

The research results have been published in 17 books and 352 articles in refereed journals. According to the Scopus database, the works of the authors have been cited 759 times in 733 publications, the total h-index of the author's work team is 12. According to the Google Scholardatabase, the works of the authors have been cited 2739 times, the total h-index of the author's work team is 14. 2patents were received. One doctorand 7 candidatethesis were defended.



