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Energy-efficient LED lighting systems

Work number - P 23 AWARDED

Applicants: Sorokin V.M., Rybalochka A.V., Kornaga V.I., Gotra Z.Y., Martirisova V.G., Pastukh I.I., Schirenko V.V., Nikitsky G.I.


An organization that provides this work:

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics? National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 03028, Kyiv, Prospekt Nauki, 41


          The aim of this work is develop and organization of production of different types of energy-efficient LED lighting systems, implementation  them to the different sectors of the economy of Ukraine to significantly reduce electricity consumption for lighting, improving its quality, reducing environmental pollution.

          On the basis of the results of fundamental and applied research new materials, new methods of diagnostics, new elements of technology multichip light-emitting modules, thermally conductive ceramics and plastics, optical systems  was developed . The production of Ukrainian high-performance lighting products for the needs of industrial and fiscal spheres, transport, housing and communal services was organized.  Large batches of lighting products was applied  at specific sites in different cities of Ukraine. The real energy savings (about 42 million. KW ∙h.) by implementation of energy efficient LED lighting systems was obtained.

Scientific results that were obtained in the framework of the work have been published and are reflected in 9 monographs, 76 scientific papers (including 12 articles in international journals contained in the database SCOPUS data), 43 materials of the international scientific and technical conferences and 11 scientific and technical reports.
