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Ethnocultural Heritage of Crimean Tatars in contemporary Ukrainian history



Soboleva O.

Total number of publications: 27, including 1 monograph, 20 articles in professional journals (2 in foreign journals), 6 articles in thematic collections.

This series of works contains a complex research on traditional culture of Crimean Tatars in the XX – the beginning of XXI century that is based on the investigation of published literature sources, archival matirials, museum collections and field studies.In  the study historical and ethnographic characteristics of Crimean Tatar ethno-national community  is determined;on the basis of comparative analysis with other related or close cultural traditions typology of crimeantatarsʼ traditional customs were conducted; defining features of ethnic ornamental arts and its revival at presentwere examined; main forms of religiousity  ofCrimean Tatars in the  periodof XX – beginning of XXI century were analysed. 

The structure of traditional ritual (case study of wedding cycle), which consists of three main parts – the pre-wedding, the wedding and the post-wedding – are being analysed. Local differences in culture  between the three subethnic groups of the Crimean Tatars – mountain, south coastal and steppe – are being examined in this series. For the first time the classification of the attribute and the role components in the structure of the ritual  has been made enabling investigation of the ancient symbolic system of the ceremony.  

The scientific retrospection method served as a base for the analysis of the processes of transformation of popular traditions that took place in the second part of the XX century under the influence of modern ethnocultural,social and political factors and migration processes caused by the deportation in 1944, rehabilitation and the return of the Crimean Tatars to the historical motherland at the end of the XX century. The process of repatriation and resettlement of Crimean Tatar ethnic community to their ethnic homeland was accompanied by increased confrontations between differentethnic and religious identities.  

The research proposes to review the basic elements of Crimean Tatar’s notion of ethnic lands in contemporary public discourse. The defining element of ethnic identity of the Crimean Tatars is an idea of their homeland which was actualized during their stay in the countries of deportation. This idea continues to dominate during Crimean Tatar’s repatriation and return. 

