Ukrainian Civil Protection Research Institute GDCP Ukraine
Author:Ballo Yaroslav Vyacheslavovich
The idea of research is to improve the efficiency of water fire extinguishing systems in high-rise buildings by applying them with aqueous extinguishing agent with modifying additives, which prevents an increase in loss of hydraulic pressure in the pipeline network due to biological overgrowth and has better ability than the ability of extinguishing water.
The creatorwas reveals the peculiarities of internal firewater system separated from drinking water system in high-rise buildings with conditional height more than 73,5 m. and provides a base for using modifying additives preventing biological clogging and corrosion of the pipeline of the fire safety system aimed to result in decreasing pipe losses and increasing its safety efficiency.
The research has revealed that the binary mixture of sodium silicate and potassium carbonate added to water in mole ratio 1:1 results in decreasing intensiveness of the processes of biological pollution in the steel pipeline by 1,7-3,0 times under the condition of maximum additive concentration of 0,3-1,0%.
Extra data is collected on the using of modifying additives that decreases pipe losses by forming a layer of ferrosilicate film reducing roughness of the internal surface of the steel pipeline in firewater system.
An actual experimental research has been conducted, that indicated a 30% decrease in fire extinction time of 13A initial fire with the suggested water mixture with modifying additives under conditions of flow delivery rate of 0,18-0,21 l·c-1·m2, посравнениюстушениемводойбезvia fire sprinkler in comparison to using water with no additives.
The result of the academic work helped to create regulations based on State standard of Ukraine SSTU B.V.1.1-43:2016«Fire safety system of high-rise buildings with conditional heightof100-150 m».
Number of publications: The main content of the work is set out in five scientific articles listed in the list of professional, one article in the publication included in the scientific metrics Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, ICI Journals Master List and one article in a foreign publication. The main results of the research were reported, discussed and received positive approval at 5 international and national scientific and practical conferences.
According to the Scopus database, the total number of links to the author's publications presented in the paper is 1, the h-index (at work) = 1; according to the Google Shcolar database, the total number of links is 7, the h-index (at work) = 1 novelty and the competitiveness of technical solutions is protected by 1 patent. One candidate's thesis is defended on this subject.