Work number - M 38 FILED
The paper presents the solution of topical scientific-technical problem of quality evaluation of space rocket test objects by example of numerous welded joints and Cyclone-4 launch vehicle interstage bay, using the methods of stochastic modeling and estimation theory.
In the issue of investigations performed, new scientific results were obtained towards development of stochastic modeling and mathematical statistical analysis of experimental spatially dispersed measurements. These results were used for the development of techniques of space rocketry quality evaluation, besides, the following new scientific results were obtained:
– new algorithms were developed for visually-analytical analysis of experimental measurements of spatially dispersed space rocketry objects;
– the peculiarities of application of methods of evaluation of stationarity, independence, formation of deterministic and stochastic models were considered and studied, the conditions and limits of their application and the errors arising during their application were determined;
– the information technologies were developed for adaptive filtration of noise and contact interference and the visually-analytical method of defectoscopy and quality check of experimental samples of measurements of linearly extended objects was developed.
Based on the investigations performed, the methodological support and software were developed which are used for the analysis of experimental measurements of spatially dispersed space rocketry objects in Yuzhnoye SDO and are used in the academic activity of the Oles Honchar Dnepropetrovsk National University.
On the results of scientific investigations, 20 scientific works were published, including 6 articles in specialized scientific editions of Ukraine and 1 article in a scientometric edition.