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The new methods and means of data and knowledge engineering for information modeling of various subject areas

Work number - P 20 FILED

Submitted by Lviv Polytechnic National University

Authors: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lytvyn V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Berko A.Yu., Doctor of Technical Sciences,Professor Burov E.V.,Doctor of Sciences of Social Communication, Senior Research FellowKunanets N.E.,Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Peleschyshyn A. M., Doctor of Technical Sciences,Professor Zhezhnych P.I.


The aim of the research is to solve an important scientific and technical problem of creating effective methods and means of data and knowledge engineering for information modeling of various subject areas.

The authors developed the mathematical support for processes of formation of knowledge bases, intellectual information systems on the basis of adaptive ontology, which enabled to formalize and automate the processes of information modeling of various subject areas.It is constructed the data model forthe processes of data integration on the basis of the theory of formal systems, which is a fundamentally new way of their description, in contrast to traditional approaches based on the set theory, graph theorems, and mathematical logic. Methodsand meansfordesigning and organizing relational databases of time-dependent data are developed.

It is substantiated and presentedthe methodological principles of anew scientific branch, namely social and technicalengineering, which isa set of methods, means and ways that, with their systematic use, allow to design and create high-quality and effective social and technical technologies and systems. The effective algorithms for decomposition oftheinformation content of web forums and the method of identifying consumer experience on the basis of markers bythe classification of linguistic features of the constituent expressions of consumer experienceare developed.

The results of the research were implemented with the information support of cultural and art projects of the Lviv regional state administration, the Association of museums and galleries inLviv region, in Lvivscientific libraries, in the projects of IT companies, in travel companies, during the development of the information and analytical system “University Management”at Lviv Polytechnic National University,as well as in anumber of institutions and enterprises.

In general, 6 doctoral dissertations and17 candidate theses have been defendedby the authors and under their supervision. 871 scientific works have been published, including 13 monographs, 455 articles in scientific journals, 36 of them are articles, indexed inScopus and Web of Science, 38 are in foreign scientific editions; 353 theses of reports in the conference materials, 21of themare indexed in scientific research databases Scopus and Web of Science, 48 are in educational and methodical editions, 1 certificate of registration of work copyright. The total h-index of the team in Scopus is13, the number of citations is 124. According to the research data base of Google Scholar Citationtheh-index is 41.
