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The revival of meat and dairy industry in the agricultural enterprices in the context of national food security

Work number - M 76 FILED

Author - Lozynska Inna V.

Sumy National Agrarian University

The specified cycle of scientific articles presented in 47 scientific works, among them - two monographs, 21 article in publications that are included in the list of MON to display the results of dissertation research (17 in journals included in the international scientometric database, 6 of them in journals included in the database of Index Copernicus), 6 articles - in scientific journals of foreign countries (1 article in a magazine that is included in the database Scopus, and 2 - database Index Copernicus), 16 conference materials, 1 publication, which further reflects the results of the cycle,1 certificate of copyright in the work. h-index-2.

Research is dedicated to theoretical and practical bases of scientific principles and the development on the basis of their practical guidelines for implementing the institutional mechanism of the industry for meat and dairy cattle in  the agricultural enterprices in the context of national food security.

The cycle of scientific publications containing priority results for the rational use of the resource potential of the industry, improving the genetic potential of the herd, the use of intensive technologies of milk production, aimed at increasing the production of competitive products, including through structural changes in milk production in the reformed large-scale farms and cooperatives in developing.