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The role of genetic predisposition and infectious agents in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in miners

Work number - M 80 FILED

Author: DolinchukLiudmylaV.


State Institution «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv

The research project focuses on actual problems of occupational health – determination of genetic markers of susceptibility to development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) of occupational etiology in miners and defining the role of enteroviruses in the development of acute diseases. A significant role of genetic factors was proven in development of COPD. It is found that MMP-9*TT genotype is associated with the risk of COPD, whereas TIMP-2*GG, MMP-2*CC genotypes are biomarkers of resistance to this disease. The Coxsackie B2, B3, B4, B5 viruses have been detected in miners with stable COPD. It is shown the increase of the number of exacerbations in patients with existing enterovirus infection, which can point to triggering role of the selected viruses in initiation in acute condition of disease. An algorithm of detection of genetic suscebility in COPD development in coal miners of Ukraine has been proposed as an additional method in the system of primary prevention of this disease.

Number of publications: 19, including by the topic of project - 12 (6 articles, 4 abstracts, 1 methodical recommendation,1 Information Letter)