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series of the work "Problems of sustainable lifestyle formation in Ukraine"

Work number - M 53 FILED

Author:  Kovalov  B. L.

Presented Sumy State University.

Theseriesoftheworkconsists of 3 chapters of monographs and  7 scientific papers, published during 2009-2013.

The objecive of the seriesoftheworkis to develop theoretical and methodological basisand practical mechanisms of sustainable lifestyle formation in Ukraine.

Scientific newness and practical significance of the seriesoftheworkare as follows:

−         it was found that a key factor in solving problem of economic growth and sustainable use of natural resources is the transition to a sustainable lifestyle;

−         social, economic and environmental factors that influence the sustainable lifestyle formation were defined;

−         correlationbetween categories "sustainable lifestyle" and other social, economic and psychological categories wasdefined;

−         it was proposed scientific and methodical approach to assessing sustainable lifestyle based on vector model with three levels of aggregation integrated, simple and synthetic indicators;

−         sustainable lifestyle scorecard was created andsustainable lifestyleindex for the regions of Ukraine was calculated,also ratingof regionswasbuilt, the positive and negative regional trends were identified;

−         it was proposed to group all regions of Ukraine by the level of sustainable lifestyle on ultra-high, high, above average, average, below average and poor;a complex of measures to improve sustainable lifestyle for regions of each group was created;

−               methodological approaches of organizational and economic mechanism formation of sustainable lifestyle were improved;

−               it was proved that a prerequisite for sustainable development of the region is to form a sustainable lifestyle of its population.

The results of research on the topic of work were publishedin 3 chapters ofmonographs, 7 scientific papers, 4 thesesofreports. According to Google Scholar number of citations to the work of the author - 7, h-index = 1. 1 patentwasgot.

  Thetotalnumberofauthorpublications is53, including3 chapters of monographs, 10 scientific papers, 38 theses of reports, 2 patents.