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Tectonical and geofluidodynamic concept of oil and gas reservoirs formation in the sedimentary basins of Ukraine

Work number - P 26 FILED

Presentedbythe:Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas


Authors: OrlovO.O., FedoryshynD.D., MoisyshynV.M., OmelchenkoV.G.,  FedyshynV.O., ZayatsH.B.


The aim of this study is the tectonical and geofluidodynamic concept of oil and gas reservoirs formation in the sedimentary basins of Ukraine on the basis of conduction of complex geological and geophysical researches.

The scientific principles and methodology for assessing geodynamic parameters of oil and gas objects in Ukrainian sedimentary basins are developed.

The method of selection gas-saturated reservoir rocks that are layered in thin clay Neogensc strata are developed and implemented.

New theory of synthesis and genesis of natural hydrocarbons in Earth’s lithosphere is created, in this way it allowed to choose optimal parameters of complex familiarization of gas and carbon wells with the help of flowing technologies of drilling.

The economic effect of implementation - increase gas reserves by categories C1+C2of  Neogenic sediments in the Outer zone at 15827 billion m3and gas resources by category C34,7 billion m3.

The number of publications: over 500, 10 monographers, 5 textbooks, 475 articles, (25 – foreign publications). According to Google Scholar data base the general number of refers is 156, h-index (by study) – 19. Novelty and competitiveness of technical solutions defended in2scientific discoveries, 16patents and copyright certificates. On the subject defended 5doctoral and 33 candidate dissertations.