Higher state educational establishment of Ukraine "Ukrainian medical stomatological academy"
Scientific research is dedicated to the improvement of effectiveness of treatment the patients with diseases of pancreas complicated by localizedfluid collections, bystudying of innate immunity value in the development of infected localizedfluid collections at acute pancreatitis, estimation of involution of localizedfluid collections at acute and chronic pancreatitis depending on their maturity, determining predictive criteria of infected localizedfluid collections and working-out the differentiated treatment approach with determination the indications, terms and methods of modern minimally invasive and open surgical interventions for localizedfluid collections with using the scale of evaluation of puncture-drainage ultrasound guided interventions effectiveness which contributes to improve the results of treatment, to reduce complication rates and mortality rate, to reduce duration of the treatment at hospital.
The aim of the research. To improve treatment results of patients with diseases of pancreas complicated by localizedfluid collectionsby determination the indications, terms and methods of minimally invasive and open operations for localized fluid collections.
The results of research are based on examinations and treatment of 172 patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis who were divided into four groups depending on the treatment approach.
Clinical laboratory, molecular genetic, immunological, instrumental methods which had been carried out allowed to elaborate and to implement the algorithm of surgical approach with using of modern minimally invasive and open surgical interventions with determination theindications, terms and methods of treatment contributed to improve the results of treatment.
Total quantity of publications – 33. The quantity of publications according to the topic of study – 23, scientific articles – 14 (5 articles at journals of Ukraine which are included in the international scientometric databases), patents – 2, innovation – 1, abstracts which were published as materials of conferences – 6. Act of implementations at medical practics and education – 1.