Work number - M 31 AWARDED
The monograph is a comprehensive religious studies research of the worldview and methodological mutual influence of the philosophy of classical existentialism and Christian theology. The correlation modalities between them and the process of implantation of existentialist postulates into theological thinking. The process of existentialization of Christianity can be traced on an example modernization of Catholicism by K. Rahner and J. Maritain, Orthodoxy – M. Berdyaev, Protestantism – D. Bonhoeffer, J. Macquarrie and P. Tillich. The ideas of S. Kierkegaard are considered as a prerequisite of occurrence classical existentialism and existential theology, and its concept “new Christianity” and “existential ethics” as effective and heuristic means of modernizing Christianity in our time. In the conclusions the monograph existential theology is divided into two directions: existential, represented by the names of S. Kierkegaard, G. Marcel, J. Maritain, M. Berdyaev and ontologized existentialistic, personified by the names of M. Heidegger, R. Bultmann, J. Macquarrie, P. Tillich. Singled out two stage of the development of existential theology: “classical” (existentialistic), and post-classical (post-existentialistic), in which existential theology is regarded as a phenomenon post-existentialist time. In this constellation she is represented by names H. Slaatte and M. Westphal. The fruits of these thinkers from the New World is analyzed in the projection of the discovery of the essence and meaning of the developed and the conceptual foundations of existential eschatology used by them, existential phenomenology of religion, existential-hermeneutic analysis, existential ecclesiology and ecumenism.
Number of publications: 52, в т.ч. 5 монографій, 1 навчальний посібник, 29 статей (4 – у англомовних журналах з імпакт-фактором), 17 тез доповідей