Work number - P 5 AWARDED
Presented Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine.
1. ГЕЛЕТУХА Георгій Георгійович – кандидат технічних наук, завідувач лабораторії Інституту технічної теплофізики НАН України;
2. ПЕТРОВА Жанна Олександрівна - доктор технічних наук, завідувач лабораторії Інституту технічної теплофізики НАН України;
3. КОРІНЧУК Дмитро Миколайович - кандидат технічних наук, провідний науковий співробітник Інституту технічної теплофізики НАН України;
ЖЕЛЄЗНА Тетяна Анатоліївна - кандидат технічних наук, провідний науковий співробітник Інституту технічної теплофізики НАН України;
4. П’ЯНИХ Костянтин Євгенович - доктор технічних наук, завідувач відділу Інституту газу НАН України;
5. КРІГЕР Леонід Фрідріхович - генеральний директор ТОВ "КОТЛОЗАВОД "КРІГЕР";
5. САВЧУК Сергій Дмитрович - виконавчий директор ТОВ "КЛІАР ЕНЕРДЖІ";
6. ПОНІКАРЧУК Анатолій Миронович - директор ТОВ "Волинь-Кальвіс".
The purpose of the work is to develop scientific bases and complex of technologies for production and consumption of alternative fuels, in particular, solid biofuels (firewood, chips, sunflower husks, wastes and residues of agricultural production, pellets and briquettes from biomass), biogas from landfills of solid household waste, peat, biomass and peat based composite fuels, and the widespread implementation of these technologies.
The scientific principles of production and consumption of alternative fuels have been developed. In particular, a methodology for estimating the energy potential of biomass suitable for energy use in Ukraine has been developed. The composition and modes of production of composite biofuels from vegetable biomass and peat have been developed. The process of combustion of solid biofuel particles (sawdust and sunflower husk) in the stream was theoretically and experimentally investigated and its dependence on their humidity and fractional composition was analyzed. A comprehensive analysis of energy and environmental performance of biomass thermal energy production technologies over the entire project life cycle was carried out using the following indicators: energy conversion factor, specific total energy costs, greenhouse gas emission reductions. A comprehensive methodology has been developed and extensive experimental studies of gas generation in landfills of Ukraine have been conducted.
A complex of technologies for production and consumption of alternative fuels has been developed. In particular, technology of complex processing of peat for composite fuel and soil fertilizers was developed. The technology of efficient combustion of low quality biofuels in boilers with retort fuel supply and afterburner grates has been developed. The technology of substitution of natural gas with biomass in large rotary kilns has been developed. Technologies for combustion of solid biofuels with humidity up to 55% on mobile grates have been developed. The optimal modes of operation of biogas wells are determined at which maximum efficiency of biogas collection and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is achieved.
Developed technologies and equipment are widely implemented in Ukraine and abroad. In the period 2000-2019, more than 5000 biomass boilers, 6 rotary biomass kilns, 15 biomass / biogas to power plants, 12 biogas collection and utilization systems for landfill sites were developed and implemented. License for two patents of Ukraine has been sold in Vietnam. 5 Technical Conditions (TUs) have been developed and approved. 29 boilers with a total capacity of 47 MW were delivered to the UK and 52 boilers with a total capacity of 91 MW to France. The total installed thermal capacity of the installed equipment was 2299.8 MW, electrical capacity - 16.8 MW. Total natural gas replacement reached 4.2 billion m3, and greenhouse gas emission reductions of 8.6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent. The estimated economic effect amounted to UAH 4,813 billion.
Number of publications: 231, including 10 monographs, incl. 1 published abroad, 25 manuals, 177 scientific articles, incl. 11 publications in Scopus, 1 in Web of Science. Total number of citation in author / h-index: Google Scholar - 2513/30, Scopus - 23/4, Web of Science - 3/2. 25 patents of Ukraine have been obtained. 2 doctoral and 6 PhD theses were defended.