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Crustal strain deformation on the territory of ukraine obtained from gnss observations

Work number - M 16 AWARDED

Presented Main astronomical observatory of NAS of Ukraine

Dr. Ishchenko M.V.

The parameters of the earth's crust deformation were calculated based on GNSS observations from 108 permanent stations with a minimum observation period of three years (the maximum period for some stations was 20 years).

Within the territory of Ukraine, first, four large modern morphostructures (geoblocks) can be distinguished: North-West and North-East rotating clockwise; e South-West and South-East – counterclockwise; area where dominate the extension of the earth's surface along both axes of the strain ellipse and the area of the mixed type – extension/compression along each axis which are identified by lineament zones of northeast and northwest strike.

The calculation of the parameters of the earth's surface deformations for the territory of Central Europe (including Ukraine) was performed based on the velocity values obtained from CEGRN and EPN Densification projects. The obtained results of three independent solutions showed the consistency of the magnitudes and directions of motion of GNSS stations, as well as the calculated parameters (strain rate patterns according to area) of deformations.

The comparative analysis of the strain rates patterns was performed in comparison with: (a “regional” and “local” quasigeoids; a Pliocene-Quaternary vertical motions; and Moho, profiles and seismic waves) and demonstrated the correlation and interrelationships between modern movements of the earth's crust with the deformation parameters obtained from GNSS observations. Thus, the use of GNSS stations to monitor geodynamic activity is a relevant and reliable method that does not require special observation campaigns.

At a qualitatively new level, the author proposed a method of using GNSS observations to obtain deformation parameters of the earth's surface for the entire territory of Ukraine.

Number of publications: 15 scientific works (7 of which are published in English editions), 15 abstracts of international conferences. According to Scopus the total number of references to the author's publications presented in the work is 8, h (topic of this research) = 2; Google Shcolar – 35, h = 3; Web of Sciences – 9, h = 2.