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Presented державною установою "Інститут еволюційної екології Національної академії наук України"

ПРОКОПУК Юлії Сергіївни - кандидат біологічних наук, молодший науковий співробітник ДУ "Інститут еволюційної екології Національної академії наук України".

Pedunculate oak is a widespread species in the temperate zone of Europe. It prefers fertile and well-moistened soils but often dominates in conditions of excess and lack of atmospheric and soil moisture. Due to climate changes, the existence of this species within its natural range is questionable. Therefore, we aim to unveil the pedunculate oak sensitivity to hydroclimatic factors in extreme conditions, i.e. in rivers floodplains and in rare oak forests in the steppe.

Our results showed the rapid changes in the oak sensitivity to the Dnipro River water level after the river regulation and crucial change in the climate-to-growth relationship. This effect is specific to local catastrophic events and reveals that river modifications exert considerable stress on trees at flooded sites.

Before the Siverka River modification was implemented en masse, the oak growth is positively influenced by May temperature and negatively by June temperature, which indicates the contrast conditions during the growing season. The impact of climate change is mitigated in flooded forests serving as a refuge for relict flora and fauna species. 

At the boundary of the species ecological range in the steppe, the limiting factors for oak growth are arid conditions at the beginning of the growing season. In recent years the relationship between oak growth and air temperature has shifted in the growing season to earlier months. The results show that the oak relation to atmospheric moisture increases in those parts of the species range where climate change is manifested in precipitation decrease and the temperature rising. 

The carbon accumulation in the oak stem biomass in floodplains is not higher than in the zonal forest. The smaller increase in the stem biomass in the floodplain is compensated by the mass increase in the other fractions, and the high productivity of floodplain forest is also provided by the high density and stand storey.

Number of publications: 11 статей (3 – у англомовних журналах з імпакт-фактором), 4 тези доповідей. Загальна кількість посилань на публікації автора/h-індекс роботи, згідно баз даних складає відповідно: Web of Science – 14/2, Scopus – 16/3, Google Shcolar – 44/4.