Presented National Academy of Internal Affairs.
Oleg Pavlyshyn.
On the basis of theoretical research and practical experiments author has defined: heuristic perspectives of the semiotic-legal approach; methodological principles of modern semiotic law researches; concept, object and subject of Semiotics of law; structure, functions and system of interdisciplinary relations of Semiotics of law as a field of knowledge; methodological significance of Semiotics of law for the latest philosophical and legal discourse; the concept of a legal sign as a source element of legal reality, its structure and types; hierarchical connections between levels and elements of legal reality as a sign system; relations and symbolic characteristics of law-making, legal regulation, direct forms of realization of norms of law, law enforcement, legal consciousness, legal culture and legal education.
Scientific background is established for Semiotics of law as a field of knowledge.
The basic conceptual bases and key tasks of semiotic-legal researches of legal reality as a sign system are formed and defined.
Offers proposals for the development of new regulations to promote the improvement of existing legislation; recommendations for improving the efficiency and optimization for the subjects of legal norms application; improvement of scientific and methodological support for the functioning of the law enforcement system of Ukraine.
Practical implementation: the substantiation of theoretical and methodological bases of Semiotics of law as paradigms of legal understanding is improved; the priority ways for improvement of legal activity are defined; publication of two positive reviews in specialized legal periodicals; development and incorporation of new subjects in NAIA training programs and improvement of current ones.
Comparison with the world analogues is to study the legal reality in the context of the achievements of modern world and European semiotics of law.
Results are introduced in research, legislative, practical activity and training programs (5 acts of implementation).
Economic effect of introduction in practical law enforcement activity is to increase the efficiency of law enforcement; reasonable and effective use of available resources (technical, intellectual, human).
Number of publications: 2 monographs, 5 manuals, 9 textbooks, 27 scientific articles, published in specialized periodicals, 11 scientific articles, published in encyclopedias, 2 scientific articles, published in international specialized periodicals. According to «Google Scholar» the total amount of publications referred to Oleg Pavlyshyn comprises 63 units, total amount of the series papers’ quotations – 242, h-index = 8, i10-іndex = 6. Novelty is verified by 6 certificates of authorship. One thesis in support of PhD in Law qualification is defended.