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Physical principles of spin-wave electronics and spintronics


Presented Інститутом магнетизму НАН України та МОН України.

R. V. Verba, D. Sci.; V. O. Golub, D. Sci.; G. M. Kakazei, D. Sci.; G. A. Melkov, D. Sci.; A. A. Serga, D. Sci.; O. I. Tovstolytkin, D. Sci.; A. V. Chumak, Dr. habil; D. D. Sheka, D. Sci.

The aim of the work is to study the fundamental physical phenomena and the development of physical background for modern micro- and nanoscale spin-wave electronics and spintronics, as well as the creation and investigation of new magnetic materials required for these purposes.

The authors developed new types of static and reconfigurable artificial magnonic crystals based on the phenomenon of the oscillation collectivization in arrays of magnetic elements and Bragg’s diffraction. A new field of fast dynamic magnonic crystals was established.

The area of all-magnon logic was introduced and the first universal all-magnon elements - magnon transistor and nonlinear nanoscale directional coupler - were developed. The concept of energy-efficient voltage-controlled magnonics devices was proposed.

The processes of nonstationary parametric interaction of spin waves with electromagnetic pumping were studied and successfully applied for the amplification, storage, coherent recovery, and wavefront reversal of microwave-frequency pulse spin-wave signals. The largest to the date amplification of the spin-wave envelope solitons has been achieved. The fundamental phenomena of high-temperature Bose-Einstein condensation and magnon supercurrent in a parametrically populated magnon gas were discovered.

Theoretical principles of magnetism in curvilinear magnetic nanostructures were developed. The appearance of new geometrically-induced interactions and effects, such as geometrically-induced anisotropy, mesoscopic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, magnetochiral effect in nonchiral magnets, pairing of geometric and magnetic chiralities, were discovered.

The dynamic properties of magnetic vortices have been investigated, and the methods of vortex polarity and chirality switching by microwave magnetic field and spin-polarized current have been developed. A way of substantial increase of the operation frequency and efficiency of vortex-state spintronic devices was proposed.

Novel materials with such unique properties as superferromagnetic state, giant magnetocaloric effect, strain-mediated magnetoelectric effect, formation of self-organized structures were produced and investigated. Spintronic heterostructures for the detection of short exchange-dominated magnons and for the development of heat-controlled spintronic devices were developed.

Number of publications: 1 book, 162 scientific papers (including 154 papers in journals with the impact-factor in English). Total number of citations / h-index of the work, according to the databases, are: Web of Science – 8462/ 45, Scopus– 8838/ 44, Google Scholar – 14467/ 52. 9 D. Sci. and 15 Ph. D. dissertations were defended in the frame of the work.