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Theoretical and methodological principles of forming a culture of competitive relations in future specialists in business administration

Work number - M 1 FILED

Presented Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Mamychenko Sergii, Doctor of Philosophy in Educational and Pedagogical Sciences.

The study is devoted to the problem of  forming  a  culture  of competitive relations in future professionals in business administration in professional training.

In the first section of the work the historiography of the researched problem is  covered;  the  conceptual  apparatus  of  work  is  revealed;  the essence of the concept of the culture of competitive relations of business administration specialists is analyzed; its structure containing cognitive, operational,  value,  personal   components   is   defined;   methodological   bases of research are substantiated; the complex  of  pedagogical  conditions  of formation of culture of competitive relations at future experts in business administration is allocated.

The second section  of  the  research  is  devoted  to  highlighting  the  logic of the experimental  component  of  the  study  on  the  formation  of  a  culture of competitive relations in future  business  administration  professionals through the introduction of a set of pedagogical conditions. The section presents the purpose, stages, objectives of the  experiment;  its  content, diagnostic  tools  and  quantitative  and  qualitative  analysis  of  the   results, which confirmed the effectiveness of the developed set  of  pedagogical conditions, are represented.

The scientific novelty of  the  research  results  is  that  for  the  first  time: the essence of the concept of «culture of competitive relations of business administration specialists»  as  a  type  of  its  professional  culture  is substantiated  and  revealed,  which  ensures  the  achievement  of   economic goals conditions of competition; the structure of the culture of competitive relations  of  business  administration  specialists  is   determined,   which contains  cognitive,   operational,   value   and   personal   components; substantiated  and  experimentally  tested  the  conditions  for  the  formation  of a culture of competitive relations  of  future  specialists  in  business administration in the process of professional training in higher education institutions, which are: 1) the use of modular rating technology in the educational process of higher education;  2)  activation  of  professional mobility of students; 3) ensuring a focus on a  healthy  lifestyle;  4) acquaintance with the principles  of  client  business;  5)  activation  of students' self-presentation activity; 6) organization of the training  process based on the use of time management techniques).

Number of publications: 25, incl. 1 – monograph, 5 – articles in scientific professional publications of Ukraine and 2 – in foreign periodicals.