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Agrobiological features of increasing the genetic capacity to form the productivity of varieties of cereals

Work number - M 4 AWARDED

Presented NNational Scientific Center «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky» and the Donetsk State Agricultural Science Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

1. VINYUKOV Oleksandr Oleksandrovych (born in 1986) - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Acting Director of the Donetsk State Agricultural Science Station of the NAAS of Ukraine.
2. ZVONAR Anastasia Mykhailivna (born in 1991) - Doctor of Philosophy, Research Fellow, NSC «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky» of the NAAS of Ukraine.

The aim of the study was to establish the scientific basis for increasing the productivity of cereals by modernizing existing and developing new effective methods to improve the adaptability of winter wheat and spring barley, taking into account changes in weather factors, mineral nutrition of genotypically different varieties and their response to growth regulators, biological products.

For the first time the scientific bases of selection of varieties of grain crops on adaptive characteristics for the eastern part of the Northern Steppe were theoretically substantiated and developed. Regularities of plant growth and development under the influence of abiotic factors were established, which allowed to develop a model of the variety most adapted to specific growing conditions.

The regularities of the use of winter wheat nutrients depending on weather conditions and the difference in the supply of the main nutrients to winter wheat plants of different varieties during the critical phases of vegetation were studied, the indicators of the effectiveness of the use of macro- and micronutrients of various varieties of winter wheat of domestic and foreign selection were determined. For the first time, a method has been developed for identifying varietal characteristics of the consumption of macro- and microelements by winter wheat plants. It has been established that at all stages of ontogenesis, in order to increase the vegetative mass of foreign varieties of winter wheat, there is a great need for potassium, unlike Ukrainian ones. A new method has been developed for determining the special needs of winter wheat in nutrients, due to varietal specificity, in order to adjust its fertilizer system.

Number of publications: 4 monographs, 27 articles (5 - in English-language journals), 27 abstracts. 19 methodical and scientific-practical recommendations, The total number of references to the author's publications / h-index of work according to databases is respectively: Web of Science - 1/1, Google Scholar - 98/5. Ukraine's patent for the invention is received, 5 - for the utility model.