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Microbial biotechnologies for fitoremediation and increasing the productivity of agroecosystems

Work number - M 19 AWARDED

Presented D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the NAS of Ukraine

Ph.D., research fellow Zlatohurska Maryna, Ph.D., research assistant Loboda Mariia, Ph.D. student, lead engineer Havrilyuk Olesia, Ph.D. student, lead engineer Dimova Mariia.

The authors have developed scientific bases and practically implemented microbial biotechnologies aimed at preserving the ecological state and increasing the productivity of modern agroecosystems in the conditions of man-made load. The resistance of microbial communities of the main types of soils of Ukraine to contamination by organochlorine toxicants and heavy metals was estimated. Ecologically promising microbial strains resistant to common soil contaminants (hexachlorobenzene, copper and cadmium) in high concentrations were isolated and identified. The effectiveness of biological preparations based on metabolites of soil streptomycetes with growth-regulating, phytoprotective and adaptogenic properties was confirmed. The effectiveness of Streptomyces netropsis strain IMBAc-5025 against a number of phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria was proven. The authors analyzed the genomic organization of temperate phages 49 and 59 of phytopathogenic bacteria Erwinia horticola and identified a number of genes that may contribute to the resistance formation of host bacterium to adverse conditions. A new phenomenon named phage-mediated phage induction was proposed.

Number of publications: 23 papers in professional journals (4 of which are international English-language journals with impact factor), 1 methodological recommendation and 51 abstracts of reports on the Ukrainian and international conferences. The obtained results were confirmed by the acts of production tests in the farms of ISTC “Agrobiotech” and “Bioinvest-Agro” LLC. Number of current patents of Ukraine: 2 (of which 1 patent for an invention and 1 patent for a utility model). Total number of references on authors’ publications / h-index of work: Web of Science – 4/1, Scopus – 14/2, Google Scholar – 31/3.