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Development of hardiness of the teenager in terms of innovative educational activities

Work number - M 23 AWARDED

Presented Українським науково-методичним центром практичної психології і соціальної роботи Національної академії педагогічних наук України

ПРЕДКО Вікторія Володимирівна – Ph.D, старша наукова співробітниця Українського науково-методичного центру практичної психології і соціальної роботи.

The study presents the established psychological technology for the development of hardiness, which will enable the younger generation to learn social experience, gain psychological literacy, teach effective living. And most importantly - will help to establish a relationship between academic success and the well-being of real life, teach critical thinking, find creative solutions, effectively deal with problematic situations and use the experience gained in perspective.

At the first stage of scientific research the theoretical and methodological features of the phenomenon of hardiness were revealed. The relationship between the hardiness and academic success of the individual, his overall involvement in learning is shown.In the second stage of scientific research, the system was identified as the most optimal system for the development of viability. Methodical recommendations for the development of adolescent vitality in terms of innovative educational activities, practical recommendations for improving the educational process, including ensuring effective socialization of its participants, increasing adaptation, balancing emotional and intellectual productivity; and developed a procedure for psychological training. An effective system of psychological exercises for the development of adolescent hardiness is presented.

The main form of work - group (training sessions), target audience: teenagers 14-16 years. The cycle of training exercises is designed for 12 lessons, each lesson is designed for one hour and twenty minutes, once a week during the school year. Focused on the school year, the plan of each lesson includes the following main parts: psychological exercise, parable, meditation, farewell-reflection. All parts are accompanied by discussion and results, psychological generalization, which will help to consolidate new forms of behavior. Exercises contain a set of psychological techniques that improve understanding of life situations, promote self-awareness, form the necessary psychological skills and favorable psychological attitudes. Parables play a leading role in the reorientation of the individual, the transformation of his worldview, the formation of new values and behavior. Meditation techniques help to develop in adolescents the skills of physical and sensory relaxation, relieving mental stress, constructive ways of self-regulation.

The practical significance of the technology of hardiness development is the main condition not only for the effective implementation of educational reforms, but also the improvement of educational activities. It will help to identify an active position in life and realize your own potential, find the best mechanism for self-realization, teach you to take responsibility. It will help solve current problems, namely, help to find constructive solutions for the education and development of adolescents, enrich psychological science with the latest development technologies, outline promising ways to harmonize the educational process. It will provide an opportunity to form healthy, successful, creative, psychologically mature Ukrainian youth, to develop favorable psychological attitudes in them and to form hardiness.