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Innovative development of the national economy during the pandemic


Presented Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

1. BRATUS Hanna - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Business Management of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Management, Economics and Business of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.
2. KALINA Iryna - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Management, Economics and Business of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.
3. OMELYANENKO Vitaliy - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Research Sector of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko; Research Fellow, Institute of Industrial Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Conceptual bases of institutional-evolutionary approach and state management of innovation-technological development, scientific approach to definition of institutional-evolutionary features of development of priority branches of national economy, scientific-theoretical bases of formation of national innovation policy, complex of improvements of organizational-institutional support of innovation policy development are proved. to management of intellectual property in the system of innovative development at the level of national economy, organizational mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of economic incentives for intellectual property, developed a model of basic concepts for assessing the level of intellectual property, methodology for managing intellectual property, methodological provisions for aggregate indicator of intellectual property, organizational and methodological approach to building a model of geointellectual activity of Ukraine, integrated approach to defining strategic directions of intellectual development of Ukraine, scientific-methodical approach to defining strategies of financing intellectual development, methodical tools for forecasting the level of intellectual development of Ukraine's economy, mechanism of formation and implementation of state policy of Ukraine. , integrated model of interaction of components of intellectual property commercialization infrastructure, matrix "Sensitivity of business development to the impact of digitalization", neural network model of communication between digitalization and its determinants, methodological approach to establishing determinants of digitalization, approach to national economic development strategy. digitization, principles of development of the socio-economic system in the context of digitalization The obtained results consist in the development of theoretical and scientific-methodical bases, applied recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the institutional bases of the policy of intellectual and innovative development of the national economy in accordance with modern models of innovation systems during the pandemic.

Number of publications: 271 scientific and scientific-methodical works were prepared in international and domestic publications, including 22 monographs, 68 articles, including 29 articles published in publications indexed in scientometric databases and Scopus and Web of science. The number of citations in Google Scholar is 257, the index is Worse - 25. The number of citations in Scopus, the index Worse - 11.