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Technological support of high-performance, high-quality blade processing of products made of difficult-to-process structural steels

Work number - M 5 AWARDED

Presented V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1. CHUMAK Anatolii Oleksandrovich – candidate of technical sciences, researcher of Department No. 18 of the V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2. Yana Pavlivna KOVALENKO - graduate student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

The purpose of the work is to create modern highly efficient cutting tools from polycrystalline superhard materials based on cubic boron nitride and technologies for their application in the conditions of forming products from special steels and alloys, including for the manufacture of military equipment parts.

Special steels and alloys are used for the production and repair of a wide range of products, including parts of small arms and artillery, transmissions of armored vehicles and automobiles, aircraft engines, etc. They have special characteristics - high hardness and strength, wear resistance and the ability to work under conditions of extreme thermobaric load, which makes them promising for such application in military equipment.

Modern highly efficient cutting tools made of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PcNB) of the BH and BL groups (according to the classification of the ISO 513-2012 standard) have been developed, and the latest technologies for the production of replaceable polyhedral cutting plates that do not resharpen have been created. The development allows you to control the geometric parameters and provides a high-performance finishing treatment of the working surfaces of the tools, which is the basis of increasing their durability and the productivity of the processing process. The indicators of mechanics, thermal physics and physico-chemistry of the contact interaction of the tool with the product in the cutting zone and the regularity of the mechanism of wear of tools from PcNB groups BH and BL were determined. The performance of PcNB tools in the processes of high-performance processing of high-strength, stainless, heat-resistant and hardened steels and alloys, including under conditions of dynamic loads, was investigated.

The main result achieved is that the created tools from PcNB and blade technology allow to effectively carry out semi-finishing and finishing processing of products from steels and alloys of high hardness and strength at high cutting speeds, including with dynamic loads, while ensuring a reduction in the intensity of tool wear 1.5-2.0 times compared to traditional tools.


Number of publications: 1 chapter in a collective monograph (textbook), 2 article in a magazine included in category "A" (including 1 in foreign publications) and 13 articles in magazines included in category "B", 27 abstracts of reports. The total number of references to authors' publications/h-index for works according to the database is as follows: Google Scholar - 26/4.