Work number - P 27 FILED
Presented Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
1. Kostyantyn Mykhailovych SUKHYI – doctor of technical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, acting Rector of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology;
2. Oleksandr Viktorovych ZAYCHUK – doctor of technical sciences, professor, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology;
3. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych OVCHYNNYKOV – doctor of technical sciences, senior researcher of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology;
4. Oleg Viktorovych KOZHURA – candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor, doctoral candidate of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology;
5. Anatoly Fedorovych SANIN – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Rocket, Space and Innovative Technologies, Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar;
6. Oleksiy Volodymyrovych KULIK – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, general director of the National Center for Aerospace Education of Youth named after OHM. Makarov;
7. Dmytro Viktorovych HRYSHCHAK – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Worker of the Space Industry of Ukraine, Deputy Minister for Digital Development, Digital Information, Digitalization of the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine;
8. Kostyantyn Bronislavovych BALUSHOK – candidate of technical sciences, chief engineer of Motor Sich JSC.
The creation of the latest models of rocket and aviation equipment requires a systematic and comprehensive solution to the issues of the full cycle of critical technologies in Ukraine, namely:
- technology-oriented design of missile and aviation equipment and related equipment;
- creation of innovative materials for structural elements of rocket and aviation equipment;
- development of technologies for obtaining metal, ceramic, polymer, composite materials for rocket and aviation equipment based on domestic and available raw materials;
- development of technologies for the production of fuel components for rocket and aviation equipment based on domestic and available raw materials.
The purpose of the work is to implement in Ukraine a full cycle of design and production of rocket and aviation equipment and related equipment.
Scientific and applied tasks important for the rocket, space and aviation industry were solved:
- a design -technological system was created for the development and operation of ultra-light dual-purpose suborbital missile complexes and rocket-jet weapons (developed and implemented standards and technical conditions, technological maps and instructions, software packages for calculations),
- created and tested suborbital missile complexes of various purposes,
- for the first time, complex technologies for the production of the main components of solid rocket fuels were developed on the basis of domestic raw materials and available materials, which made it possible to solve the problem of import dependence , technologies for obtaining solid rocket fuels were created;
- on the basis of the synthesis of design and technological solutions, complex approaches to the creation and introduction into production of domestic systems for the manufacture of products from composite materials have been developed,
- designed and manufactured unique winding machines, technological equipment, created production department for manufacturing and quality control of products from polymer composite materials obtained by winding methods;
- developed technologies for creating aerodynamic, heat-shielding, temperature-resistant, radio-transparent in the ultra-high-frequency range of missile fairings for various purposes;
- for the first time in Ukraine, industrial technologies for the production of powders of metal alloys of a given composition and morphology for 3D printing and the latest additive manufacturing technologies based on them of complex-profiled elements of aviation equipment and launch vehicles were developed;
- developed and improved technologies for connecting carbon graphite materials with metals, ensuring the geometric accuracy of welded tank bodies and aerodynamic fairings of launch vehicles, technologies for testing the structures of rocket and aviation equipment for tightness, technologies and equipment for the production of structural elements from polymer composite materials, development and operation of suborbital missile complexes, etc.;
The authors of the work have completed more than 40 state budget, farm contract and international grants and projects for a total amount of more than 100 million hryvnias .
Number of publications: 2 individual monographs, 18 collective monographs, incl. 6 monographs in foreign publications, 8 textbooks, 99 articles in magazines included in category "A" (including 82 foreign publications) and 94 articles in magazines included in category "B". The total number of references to authors' publications/h-index by work according to databases is, respectively: Web of Science 231/7, Scopus 589/13, Google Scholar 596/12. Received 10 Ukrainian invention patents, 19 utility model patents, 1 industrial model patent.