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Determinants of development of the exchange market of agro-food production in Ukraine

Work number - M 52 AWARDED

The research is presented by National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

Authors: Reznik N.P., Slobodianуk A.M.


The aim of the work is to study the prospects for the development of an integral institution of a market economy – the exchange system.

On the basis of theoretical studies and experiments, the authors determined that electronic bidding to guarantee the transfer of commodity assets from the shadow market to the open exchange market will ensure an increase in budget revenues at all levels.

The basic conceptual framework for the introduction of electronic trading has been formed, which will contribute to the development and use of modern tools for effectively intervening in the market formation of the exchange of goods between agriculture and the processing enterprise.

Offered. The results of the research can be used by exchanges, trading companies, participants of the agrarian market, educational institutions, research institutes and other enterprises of the specified profile in the preparation of new effective measures to improve the functioning of the exchange-based commodity market.

Comparison with world peers. In world practice, the state of development of the country's market economy is determined by the level of functioning of the stock and e-commerce market. Despite this, the research by the authors of the processes of formation and functioning of exchange and electronic commerce in agricultural products in Ukraine is an important issue, the solution of which will help to increase the efficiency of development and regulation of the agrarian market. Their implementation and operation is possible on the basis of the infrastructure of agribusiness exchanges.

The novelty of the results is confirmed by 7 acts of implementation. The main provisions of this work are used by the Belotserkovsky District Administration, the Ukrainian Interbank Currency Exchange (UMVB), the State Commodity Exchange Agrarian Exchange, and some of them are used as methodological support in the educational process of the Department of Exchange Activities and Trade of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management Of Ukraine. Textbooks on the results of work are used in the educational process of the Ternopil National Economic University, Kharkov Petro Vasilenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Sumy National Agrarian University.

Number of publications: 65 scientific papers, incl. 7 textbooks, 36 articles in professional and scientific publications, 22 materials of scientific conferences. According to the Scopus database, the total number of links to authors 'publications is 21 h-index (at work) = 3; according to the Google Shcolar database, the total number of links to authors' publications is 265, the h-index (at work) = 6 novelties and competitiveness of technical decisions confirmed by 7 acts of implementation.




