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Formation of the planting material of giant miscanthus

Work number - M 6 FILED

Presented Institute of bio-energy crops and sugar beets of NAAS

Candidate of agricultural sciences Dryha V.V

The following regularities were first established by the results of the research, namely: the formation of giant miscanthus yield in the conditions of the unstable moisture of Ukraine depending on the elements of the cultivation technology; the vegetative propagation techniques of planting material, which ensured high rhizome root-taking and maximal output of the planting material in the first vegetation year (confirmed by patent № 108992 “Vegetative technique of the propagation of the miscanthus planting material”) was worked out, strong direct correlations were found out between the increase of above-ground miscanthus mass (plant height, leaf area, their number and tillering density) and the rhizome mass. The technique to prepare rhizomes for planting was improved; it envisaged their selection by both their mass and the number of buds on them.  

The technique of vegetative propagation of the miscanthus planting material consists in dividing parent rootstock into rhizomes, their calibration by mass – 20-90 g and the number of buds – 4-8 pieces on rhizome, planting with inter-rows 70 cm and planting step – 70 cm, plowing down at 8-20 cm depth; to increase the rhizome root-taking, either granules of absorbent MaxiMarin are applied into a planting hole before or during planting or rhizomes are soaked in nutritional gel of this absorbent; this prevents the drying of the planted rhizomes, and later it creates the reserve of the required amount of moisture, helps save its consumption and it feeds seedlings in the period of germination and initial growing and development of the plant, particularly in the period of drought. The developed technique of the propagation of the miscanthus planting material is unique and has no analogs in Ukraine. 

This technique of vegetative propagation provided maximal root-taking with rhizomes which were planted and made it possible to increase the output of the planting material in the first year of vegetation. Theoretical principles were well-proven by practical experience – the application of absorbent granules into the soil contributed to the annual economic effect in the amount of 198.6 K (th) UAH/ha, and the planting of rhizomes with 4-8 buds – 358 K (th) UAH/ha.      

 It was found out that the intensity of the mass increase of parent miscanthus rhizomes depended on the application of absorbent, rhizome mass, which were planted, and the terms they were planted. In all phases of the plant growth and development, higher intensity of the rhizome mass increase at both planting terms was recorded when absorbent was applied, as compared with the control. When large rootstock (60-90 g) were planted at both planting terms, it facilitated the formation of larger rhizomes as compared with the small ones (20-30 g): at the first planting term the mass increase was 269.7–735.5 г, that of the second term – 347.9–691.0 g, which provided the increase of the planting material output at both planting terms.  

 The peculiar features of the growth and development of giant miscanthus, the formation of rhizomes and the optimization of the technology elements of its cultivation were identified; all this taken together ensured the increase of the output of the planting material by more than 1.3-1.6 times in the first year of vegetation, as compared with the control.

Number of publications: The following was published: 2 monographs (one in Latvia), 17 scientific papers, including 7 articles – in scientific professional editions of Ukraine, 3 – in the International scientific periodic foreign edition, included in the international scientific-metric base Scopus, WebofScience and 7 theses of the reports/presentations at scientific conferences. One patent for a useful model was received based on the results of the research. The share of the authorship in published works amounts to 65–95 %