Work number - P 24 AWARDED
Presented National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University", Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
1. YEVSEIEV Serhii Petrovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the cybersecurity department of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute";
2. ZAKOVOROTNYI Oleksandr Yuriyovych – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the computer engineering and programming department of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute";
3. MILOV Oleksandr Volodymyrovych – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Professor of the Department of Cybersecurity of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute";
4. KUCHUK Heorhii Anatoliyovych – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, professor of the computer engineering and programming department of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute";
5. HALUZA Oleksii Anatoliyovych – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute";
6. KOVAL Mykhailo Volodymyrovych – doctor of military sciences, Head of the National Defense University of Ukraine, Colonel General;
7. VOITKO Oleksandr Volodymyrovych – candidate of military sciences, associate professor, head of the Institute of Strategic Communications of the National Defense University of Ukraine, colonel;
8. HRYSHCHUK Ruslan Valentinovych – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, deputy head of the Military Academy (Odesa), colonel.
Under the conditions of the ongoing armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the safety of people, society and the state depend significantly on the reliable functioning of critical infrastructure facilities. In addition to physical effects on such objects with lethal weapons, the Russian Federation does not stop trying, together with its satellites, to influence the control systems of critical infrastructure objects through cyberspace and from cyberspace with non-lethal means - cyber weapons. Taking into account the cross-border nature of cyberspace and the high level of informatization of critical infrastructure facilities both in Ukraine and in the world, for example, nuclear energy facilities (Zaporizhzhia and Chornobyl nuclear plants) and water supply facilities (Kakhovka and Kyiv HPPs), military control systems and weapons (of the Unified Automated Control System (UACS) of the Armed Forces (AF) of Ukraine and its components), etc., the risks are scaled not only to the national security dimension, but also pose a threat to humanity at the global level for the foreseeable future. The situation is complicated by the fact that critical infrastructure objects that function in a united information space and support a wide range of modern information technologies, despite colossal efforts to counter third-party interference from cyberspace and through cyberspace, continue to remain vulnerable to new types of threats.
The proposed methodology for the models synthesis of intelligent control and security systems of critical infrastructure facilities is based on a fundamentally new approach to the construction of such systems. The methodology is based on the principle of synergism. The intellectualization of models and the synergistic effects arising from their synthesis make it possible to obtain new emergent properties of control and security systems of critical infrastructure objects. In particular, on the basis of the obtained models, the effect of building N-loop intelligent control and security systems with predetermined indicators of resistance to threats of a certain (quantum) or predicted (post-quantum) type, depending on the belonging of critical infrastructure objects, has been discovered. The developed methodology is intended to prevent manifestations of unauthorized interference in the regular modes of operation of critical infrastructure objects and is used to forecast and prevent crisis situations at critical infrastructure objects as a result of the use of cyber weapons by states unfriendly to Ukraine or terrorist cyber groups. On the basis of the developed methodology for the synthesis of models of intelligent control and security systems of critical infrastructure objects, which are fundamentally different in their properties, the continuity of the performance of the main functions by intelligent control systems of critical infrastructure objects is ensured with a simultaneously guaranteed (given) level of security of such systems, which is critically important significance for the further development of the field of information security of the state in the interests of increasing the level of national security of Ukraine, ensuring the safety of citizens, defense their rights and freedoms.
In recent years, the methodology has been implemented in the components of the control and security systems of critical infrastructure objects, which are important for: national security and defense (components of the complex information protection system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - for the construction of the information protection subsystem in the telecommunications system of the complex of automation means of the combat ACS control of aviation forces and means of air defense of all types of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Oreanda" /customer - commander of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine/, systems and means of control of troops and weapons of EW /customer - Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine/, military communication systems of missile control systems of troops and artillery /customer – Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the information security system of the operational-tactical missile complex "Grom-2" (OTRK "Sapsan") /customer KB "Pivdenne" named after M.K. Yangel/); of the economy of Ukraine (complex of information defense means of telecommunication channels "LDPC-CryptoSuite" /customer - "Microcrypt Technologies" limited liability company/, Internet banking system "ELPay" - for control and secure remote service of bank clients from anywhere in the world / customer - limited liability company "Syfer"/, management systems for the development of large energy and chemical complexes /customer - PJSC "Sumikhimprom"/, systems for navigation and movement control of mobile objects - for the evaluation of options for the construction of prospective components of the mentioned complexes /SE "CNDI of Navigation and Control" of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine/.
Number of publications: 11 monographs, including 4 in foreign publications, more than 100 articles in magazines included in category "A" (including more than 70 foreign publications) and more than 240 articles in magazines included in category "B". The total number of references to authors' publications/h-index by work according to databases is, respectively: Web of Science 16/17, Scopus 657/66, Google Scholar 2972/102. Received 5 patents for inventions of Ukraine and 55 patents for useful models.