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2017, National Award

Number Title of work Presentation
P7 Effective methods for stress state estimation in nonhomogeneous structures caused by the action of fields of different physical nature (Number of comments: 26)
P18 Photonics of semiconductor and dielectric nanostructures (Number of comments: 46)
P20 Functional magnetic materials for nanoelectronics and biotechnology: physical background (Number of comments: 19)
P23 Providing operability of lengthy industrial objects under long-term operating environment impact (Number of comments: 29)
P28 Materials and technologies of structures in modern aircraft (Number of comments: 35)
P30 Physic and technic of modern polarimetry (Number of comments: 23)
P47 Size effects in thin film materials for thermoelectric energy conversion (Number of comments: 1)
Number Title of work Presentation
P4 Spatial agroecology as the basis of management of pertinentsiya in the technogenic landscapes of the southeast of Ukraine (Number of comments: 56)
P10 The development of a new coal deposit through the implementation of geomechanical adapted technologies (Number of comments: 64)
P11 Creation of reversible hydraulic generating units of Dniester PSPP to improve perfromance of integrated power system of Ukraine (Number of comments: 31)
P12 Fundamentals of environmentally safe natural resource management system forming for sustainable development of Ukraine (Number of comments: 21)
P13 Advanсed technologies for mining and processing of mineral raw materials of primary and technogenic deposits (Number of comments: 33)
P15 Upbuilding oil and gas resources by the efficient use of geofluiddynamics mineral resources of Ukraine (Number of comments: 40)
P16 Scientific and practical geological solutions for increase natural gas production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 13)
P17 Scientific and technological means and methods for providing of energy independence of Ukraine (Number of comments: 53)
P31 Assessment, prognosis and optimization of the state of water ecosystems of Ukraine (Number of comments: 32)
P32 Eco-geotechnological cycle of mining and primary processing of uranium ores (Number of comments: 36)
Number Title of work Presentation
P1 Creation and production of home neurotropic and immunnotropic drugs (Number of comments: 38)
P14 Justification of new safety standards in occupational exposure based on investigation of health risks among Chernobyl clean-up workers (Number of comments: 1)
P22 Modern methods for diagnostics, management and rehabilitation of vestibular disorders (Number of comments: 0)
P24 Scientific substantiation and practical implementation of prognostication, diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment system for osteoporosis and its complications in the Ukrainian population (Number of comments: 53)
P27 Surgical treatment of thoracic aortic disease (Number of comments: 49)
P29 Cryothermosurgical methods and technology for тtreatment of oncological diseases in abdominal cavity (Number of comments: 35)
Number Title of work Presentation
P2 Ukraine in nowaday international business (Number of comments: 3)
P5 Civilizational choice of Ukraine and social progress (Number of comments: 51)
P6 Institutional transformation of the financial and economic system of Ukraine in globalization conditions (Number of comments: 70)
P8 Cultural Heritage of Ukraine as a necessary stable condition of state development (Number of comments: 60)
P9 The Shevchenko encyclopaedia (Number of comments: 54)
P21 Investigation of crimes involving the use of explosives and objects processed in firearms (Number of comments: 3)
Number Title of work Presentation
P3 Resource-saving technologies of production of textile, clothes and footwear (Number of comments: 65)
P19 Design and implementation into manufacture of diagnostic tool for gmo content detection in food and plant-sourced agricultural produce (Number of comments: 36)
P25 Resource-saving environmentally friendly technologies of water use in the agricultural sector of Ukraine (Number of comments: 23)
P26 The development and implementation complexes of means for growing corn and other crops (Number of comments: 84)
P33 Establishment, reconstruction and operation of unique engineering structures: constructions, technologies, solutions (Number of comments: 27)
Number Title of work Presentation
П1 Medical microbiology, virology and immunology (Number of comments: 104)
П2 Technical thermodynamics (Number of comments: 29)
П3 Actual Problems of Meat-Processing Industry (Number of comments: 0)
П4 Money and credit (Number of comments: 44)
П5 Audit (Number of comments: 264)