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Development ofplastic scintillators fof the special purpose

Work number - P 16 AWARDED

Presented by the Institute for Scintillation Materials NAS of Ukraine.



Galunov  N.,  Zhmurin P.,  Lebedev V.


The aim is to create a new generation of plastic scintillators, that can be provide  the majority of requirements for scintillation materials, dictated the conditions of modern physics experiment and develop their production technologies.

It was created scientific bases for the creation of new technologies for production of large plastic scintillators with  increased transparency and radiation stability that become the basis for the new muon detector CDF (United States), the development of strip technology to create coordination sensitive detector for the experiment OPERA (France), the development of production technology with highly perforated tiles, that became the basis of the electromagnetic calorimeter for the COMPASS experiment (CERN, Switzerland).

As a result of this work, new high performance technology and equipment for the production of plastic scintillators were established, thereby creating unique detectors for international projects in high-energy physics.

The achieved economic effect of the introduction of production  technologies for the production of plastic scintillators, that  became the basis of ionizing radiation detectors is 2113650 USD. The net effect of the introduction of the works is about 25 million. UAH.

The results of research are reflected in the work submitted by 3 monographs, 78 scientific publications and 21 patents, of which more than 70 the works cited in the  SCOPUS database. The number of references to the work of the authors on Scopus, is more than 500. Hirsch index h = 20.