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Spatial agroecology as the basis of management of pertinentsiya in the technogenic landscapes of the southeast of Ukraine

Work number - P 4 FILED


Kobets A.S, Demidov A.A, Gritsan Yu.I., Volokh P.V., Zhukov A.V.,

Drebot O.I., Demyanyuk О.S., Gadzalo A.Ya.

DnepropetrovskStateAgrarian and Economic University


The work deals with the optimization of the environment for industrial regions and the achievement of a balanced (sustainable) development of the country's agricultural sector as the basis for food security of Ukraine. The author substantiates the provision on spatial agroecology as the basis for managing the pertinentsiya in the man-made landscapes of the southeast of Ukraine and the creation of sustainable agroecosystems in industrially disturbed territories. The provision on techno-earth as a function of biogeocoenotic pertinentsiyaand the spatial and ecological approach to the evaluation of the functioning of agroecosystems is disclosed. It is shown that the concept of pertinentsiyais the theoretical basis for environmental auditing in agricultural production. Quantitatively, the pertinentsiyacan be assessed using ecomorphic analysis and the principles of spatial agroecology. In this direction, domestic and world analogues are absent. Realization of the task of balanced (sustainable) development of agricultural production requires the development of new interdisciplinary scientific approaches at the intersection of agrarian, biological, environmental sciences and public administration. The key idea is to achieve the growth of  agro-industrial potential of Ukraine through the management of the natural environment, which is reflected in a phenomenon such as pertinentsiya. All the processes of agricultural production are carried out under conditions of considerable variability of zonal-geographical and landscape-ecological factors and are influenced by trends in global climate change. Significant technogenic transformation of agricultural lands is also a source of spatial variability of agroecological conditions and regimes. In this regard, we have developed modern methods and principles of spatial agroecology, which are the most important tool for managing processes in the agrosphere at the tactical and strategic levels. The concept of pertinentsiyaas an object of management becomes an effective tool in the conditions of its formalization.

On the theme of scientific work, the authors published more than 100 scientific papers, including 8 monographs, 256 scientific articles, abstracts, 22 patents. The results of the work are approved in the form of 133 reports at international conferences. 10 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations are defended.

The total number of abstracted publications of the authors is 137, the total number of references to publications of authors (according to the data of SCOPUS, RINC, GOOGLE SCHOLAR) is 875. Today the h-index of the authors of the cycle of scientific works is from 2 to 11.
