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Conceptual bases of the choice of chemical composition of steel for railway wheels with increased resistance

Work number - M 24 AWARDED

Presented Iron and Steel Institute of Z.I. Nekrasov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The paper develops theoretical principles on the laws of chemical composition and structural state of steels on mechanical properties, resistance to defects on the rolling surface, development on this basis of chemical composition of steel and technological parameters of heat treatment of railway wheels, improving their reliability and durability, which is an urgent scientific and technical problem of modern materials science, which has important scientific and practical significance.

The results are implemented in production at PJSC "INTERPIPE NTZ".

Number of publications: 3 monographs, scientific articles -29, including 9 in English-language journals with impact factor, 88 references to authors' publications and h-index 4 (according to databases Web of Science, Scopus, Google Shcolar and others ), 7 current patents of Ukraine.