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Scientific and technological principles of improving environmental safety in the operation of water treatment facilities

Work number - M 34 AWARDED

Presented National University of Water and Environmental Engineering MES of Ukraine

Kunytskyi S.O., Shatnyi S.V., Ivanchuk N.V.

The authors substantiate a set of organizational and technological measures based on empirical research and mathematical and computer models of physical, chemical and filtration processes at water treatment facilities and their soil bases, taking into account the specifics of operation of water treatment facilities and hydrogeochemical features ecosystems in which such objects are located.

According to the research results, a comprehensive approach to water treatment processes is proposed for use in Ukraine, taking into account the theoretical basis, quality composition of natural waters in different regions of Ukraine, improved existing mathematical models and methods of calculating water treatment processes. processes in them on the basis of simulation and computer modeling.

The design of pressure and non-pressure installations for water purification has been improved, taking into account energy efficiency. Rational technological schemes of water treatment are substantiated, depending on the quality indicators of natural waters, total costs for water consumption of water treatment complexes.

Information support has been developed to predict the shapes and sizes of areas of filtration destruction of porous environments of soil and concrete bases of hydraulic and water structures under the influence of man-made factors: mechanical suffusion, contact erosion, contact suffusion, chemical suffusion; to estimate the front of wetting of soils in the conditions of incomplete saturation and influence of heat and salt transfer, which influences change of position of critical sliding surfaces of landslide-hazardous soil massifs.

The author's work provides an opportunity to prevent man-made and natural disasters by ensuring the reliability of energy, industrial and civil water and hydraulic facilities, reducing economic damage and preventing human casualties.

The scientific provisions developed in the work are implemented at industrial facilities by concluding economic agreements, and practical developments are a promising area for water security of Ukraine.

Number of publications: 9 monographs, 60 articles (including 20 articles included in the Scopus database, 1 articles included in the Web of Science database, 39 articles in scientific publications). According to the Scopus database, the total number of references to publications of authors represented in the work is 91, h- index (at work) = 11; according to the Google Scholar database, the total number of links is 89, h- index (at work) = 12, according to the Web of Science database, the total number of links is 1, h- index (at work) = 1. The novelty and competitiveness of technical solutions is protected by 14 utility model patent, 8 copyright registration certificates, 1 copyright on official work.