Work number - M 2 FILED
Presented State non-profit enterprise “State University ”Kyiv Aviation Institute”
1. GNATYUK Sergiy Oleksandrovych - Doctor of Technical Sciences,Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Technology Transfer of the State Non-Profit Enterprise “State University ‘Kyiv Aviation Institute’;
2. ODARCHENKO Roman Sergiyovych - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications of the State Non-Profit Enterprise “State University ‘Kyiv Aviation Institute’;
3. SIMAKHOVA Anastasiia Oleksiivna - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Business Analytics and Digital Economy, State Non-Profit Enterprise “State University ‘Kyiv Aviation Institute’.
The work is devoted to the state of information security of Ukraine and its sustainable functioning in the conditions of post-war reconstruction. The scientific and practical aspects of improving the efficiency of the cellular operator's network, the development of the post-war economy of Ukraine, taking into account security challenges and the potential of information and communication technologies, as well as the use of FinTech technology for the security of the financial sector have been improved. A system for detecting cyber attacks and identifying intruders was developed. A new method for assessing the level of cybersecurity of the state's critical information infrastructure is presented.
The results of the work were used to improve the mechanisms for ensuring cybersecurity of 5G cellular networks. They were also implemented in the educational process of the State Non-Profit Enterprise “State University ‘Kyiv Aviation Institute’, in the activities of the Association ‘Cosmos’, the NGO ‘Innovative University’, the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and used for public trainings and webinars. The socio-economic effect of the research is that the proposed recommendations contribute to strengthening the digital and socio-economic resilience of Ukraine to external security threats.
Number of publications: 81, including 3 collective monographs, including 1 foreign monograph, 1 textbook, 1 manual, 1 methodological recommendations, 47 articles in journals included in category “A” (including 43 in foreign publications) and 17 articles in journals included in category “B”, 3 articles in other publications, 8 abstracts. The total number of citations to the authors' publications/h-index for the work according to the databases is respectively: Web of Science 41 / 2, Scopus 53 / 4, Google Scholar 344 / 9. Received 3 patents for inventions of other countries (Kazakhstan), 5 certificates of copyright registration for the work.
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