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Civilization measuring of national creation of the state: adaptation of government service of Ukraine is to standards of European Union

Work number - M 6 AWARDED

It is presented by interregionalacademy of management a personnel.

Authors: Charkina Anastasiya Olehivna , Cherniakhivska Viktoriya Valeriivna.

The purpose of work is a theoretical and practical ground of forms and methods of adaptation of government service of Ukraine to legal and traditions оf socioculturalof the states – members of European Union.

          Authors are study experience of becoming of government service in European democracies, the prospects of institutional development of government service are outlined on principles of symbiosis of perfect doctrine approaches of both foreign and home.

         A necessity and expediency of becoming and adaptation are certain to the requirements of European Union of the existent system of government service of Ukraine in all her displays and aspects as a reflection of activity of transformation processes in the state and his accordance to the modern necessities.

         Base conceptual principles of providing of adaptation of government service of Ukraine are formed to the standards of European Union, system of directions and principles (criteria) of reformation of state administration and "proper management", in obedience to the normatively-legal documents of European Union.

        The ground of necessity of understanding of maintenance of administrative reform offers in Ukraine and adaptation of her government service to "acquis communautaire" as a two in relation to autonomous processes that cross in the spheres of realization and perfection of institute of government service, in particular creation and realization on the basis of sociocultural approach of models of gender politics and parity democracy.

       Scientific researches are realized from the problems of the normatively-legal measuring of adaptation of government service of Ukraine to the requirements of European Union, in activity of Committee on questions social politics, employment and pension system of Supreme soviet of Ukraine, Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kyiv municipal state administration, Center of adaptation of government service to the standards of  European Union of the National agency of Ukraine on questions government service, Kyiv national university the name of Т. of Shevchenko and other.

       An economic effect from introduction consists in the increase of efficiency of work of separate subdivisions of the above-mentioned public, scientific establishments authorities, in plane satisfaction of social necessities of workers and population, on the whole.

      Amount of publications : 36, including 17 articles (4 - in foreign editions). After this subjects 2 dissertations are protected on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of sciences from state administration. The results of researches of monograph, repeatedly, were given a report on international forums, conferences, conventions, namely under time:

