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Methods for evaluation of efficiency of structural elements of power equipment in hydrogenation

Work number - M 16 FILED

Authors: ChepilO.Ya., Dorosh M.I., LysechkoV.O.

Presented by Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine

The series of the scientific works includes 26 scientific papers and 1 certificate of copyright in a computer program and 1 patent of Ukraine for invention which have been published for last 10 years.

The basis of the methodology for serviceability estimation of structural elements energy equipment with the influence of hydrogen on metal.

A number of fundamental results, which consist in determining the operational lifetime of structural elements into account their hydrogenation in the presence of non-stationary temperature field uneven and variable hydrogen pressure; developing a method to determine the stress-strain state bulky tube structures with hollow wall; developed methods of evaluating geometric parameters of conical elements in a wide range of changes.

The cycle of scientific works containing the priority results to determine the allocation of hydrogen around a circular hub, stress cracks and hard for the inclusion of the effect of external stress in hydrogenated elastic bodies; in set geometric parameters and calculating energy crystalline body of dislocation crack; establishment of basic characteristics of dependency scattering acoustic field fragments of hard and soft canonical (tapered) surfaces of the geometric parameters and frequencies.

New approaches aimed for evaluating operability elements of power equipment for thermal cycling and hydrogenation; design and calculation of long-term strength plastic cylindrical structures with hollow walls; diagnostics of surfaces of complex shape necessary for assessing the residual life.

The authors conducted the formulation and solution of problems new unconventional evaluation of mutual  process of diffusion and stress field in metal-hydrogen system; stressed-strained state crystalline body of dislocation crack on one of the peaks which asked the jump of displacement, and the second - the coasts are closed; problems of acoustic fields scattered diffraction surfaces of complex geometry with a preset accuracy.

The results of cycle articles are important for engineering calculations:  durability and longevity determining steam, oil and gas pipelines, large structures with hollow tube wall, construction elements energy equipment.

The research results are described in 28 articles. The authors papers are cited in over 5 scientific journals, the general publications citation index is 5 (according to database Scopus), h-index = 1. The authors have obtained 1 certificate of copyright in a computer program  and 1 patent of Ukraine for invention.