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The set of books (electronic equipment in 3 books)

Work number - П 2 AWARDED

Authors: Nevliudov I. Sh., Palagin V.A.

Represented by:Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronic


A series of the books consists of three textbooks, 6 monographs and 309 scientific articles and reports, which were published for twenty years.

The textbooks are dedicated for training of university students in field of  automatized manufacturing of radioelectronic devices, including devices with components of high integrity level, micro system devices and nanotechnologies, which are considered as progressive tool for the first half of 21 century everywhere in the world. These textbooks are one of the first Ukrainian textbooks to train scientific personal on modern technologies radioelectronic instrument–making industry.

The scientific novelty of the text books is the synthesis of technical materials on traditional electronic devices manufacturing and new technologies of BGA/CSP components and Microsystems technology production.

The practical application consists is in using of textbooks series by a number of leading Ukrainian universities to train under- and postgraduate students in field of electronic devices manufacturing. Beside it, there is opened the new specialty «Intellectual technologies Microsystems radioelectronic devices»to train specialist and master students in Ukraine.

The textbook «Basic principles manufacturing of electronic devices»is a logical continuation in the form of a textbook «Basic principles manufacturing of electronic devices. Typical tasks», which is aimed at development of practical skills, ability to Orient in a modern production, including the variety of processes, materials, components that exist in the world.

Textbooks cycle is also used in educational process leading Universities of Ukraine in electronic form.

The textbooks include the many years author’s experience and knowledge of the industry and manufacturing, the experience of previous basic textbooks and results of author’s scientific researches.