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Child and Childhood in the Hetmanate of the XVIII century: Socio-Historical and Historical-Anthropological Dimensions

Work number - M 7 AWARDED

Presented Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

SERDIUK Igor Oleksandrovych - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

The series of works is a generalization of scientific research conducted in the period from 2009 to 2021. The phenomenon of childhood, which functioned in the society of the Hetmanate of the eighteenth century is studied in the works. The author thoroughly analyzed the written sources of the Hetmanate in terms of their information potential in reflecting various aspects of childhood and analyzed the "children's" rhetoric of texts. On the basis of different approaches and criteria the age limits of childhood and its periodization in the vision of the Hetmanate society are clarified, the most important phenomena in the life of a child in a traditional religious society (birth, baptism, death) are studied, the vision of these phenomena is studied. The series of works consider childhood as a socially constructed phenomenon, which was based on the Christian worldview, family economy, demographic realities, etc. In this way, childhood appears as a marker of the society of the Hetmanate, in particular in the context of religiosity, family relationships, life strategies of adults. At a more global level, the conclusions made allow us to take a new look at the society of the Hetmanate as one that has successfully resisted the governmental initiatives of the Russian Empire at the level of everyday life. The series of works proves that in the society of the Hetmanate, which in the eighteenth century. tried to normalize the Russian Empire, childhood and family life were the areas that have undergone the slightest change.

Number of publications: 4 monographs, 1 bibliographic index, 34 articles (including 2 articles in publications indexed in b.d. Scopus), 11 thesis. Citation index of publications that make up the series of works according to the international scientometric database Google Scholar is 129, the h-index is 5; according to the international scientometric database Scopus, the number of citations of publications is 2, the h-index is 1.