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Materials and technologies for additive manufacturing and welding of polymer products

Work number - M 27 AWARDED

Presented E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine

Masiuchok O.P, Kolisnyk R.V., Maltsev O.Yu.

The authors solved the problem of obtaining welded joints of polymer products by optimizing the properties of metallic and developing composite embedded heating elements, studied patterns of influence of their type and welding modes on the mechanical strength of welded joints of thermoplastic polymers, and established patterns of influence of FDM 3D printing process and parameters on the structure and properties of 3D products.

It was developed the scientific basis of formulating the basic principles of regulating the mechanical strength of products in FDM 3D printing, increasing the efficiency of metal mesh as an embedded heating element and determining the prospects of using polymer composites as heating elements for welding of plastic parts . In particular, for the welding of thermoplastic polymers used heating elements based on electrically conductive polymer composites, which have no analogues in the world. Technological recommendations for welding of engineering and high-tech plastics with the use of embedded heating elements on the basis of metal mesh with a modified surface and on the basis of polymer composite have been developed, which correspond to best world standards. Regularities of influence of parameters of process of 3D printing on FDM technology which will provide reception of 3D products with the predicted properties corresponding to the best world analogs are established and have no analogues in Ukraine. 

New methods of additive manufacturing and welding of polymer products has been tested in industrial conditions at the state enterprise ANTONOV COMPANY , has been developed and implemented . The act of implementation of results of research work is received.

Number of publications: 1 section of the monograph, 1 patent of Ukraine for invention, 9 articles, 3 of which are foreign publications in Scopus citation database. Novelty and competitiveness of technical solutions is protected by 1 act of implementation, 2 acts of using and 6 acts of approbation of results of research works. The authors' works have been cited in more than 10 scientific and applied journals.