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Development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine: problems and directions of leveling socio-economic imbalances in terms of transformational change

Work number - M 29 FILED

Presented Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Ivaniuk U., Ph.D. (Econ.)

Theoretical-methodical and applied approaches to the study of imbalances of socio-economic development of Ukraine, the impact of transformational changes on living standards. Assessments of imbalances are based on a comprehensive study of the results of reforms, the effects of development and diagnosis of investment and innovation potential of the agricultural sector, internal market imbalances. The proposed scientific approach opens broad prospects in modeling the results of the socio-economic policy of the country and allows to identify the main levers of the policy of leveling socio-economic imbalances of Ukraine in the conditions of transformational change.

The author presents the rationale for forming priority areas for the strategic development of the agricultural sector and domestic commodity market, strengthening their interaction and interaction, supporting and state regulation of agricultural production, restructuring organizational forms based on the concentration, economic integration, and cooperation. Determining strategic priorities for the development of the agricultural sector and the internal market, strengthening their interaction due to the active influence of endogenous and exogenous factors aimed at agro-industrialization, diversification of agricultural and trade activities, the transformation of the mechanism interaction and economic relations.

It is proved that the main directions of capacity building and elimination of socio-economic imbalances are the development of regional labor markets by ensuring the appropriate level of control of migration trends in the short, medium and strategic perspectives; formation of a system of factors and motivation to return the intellectual and human resources to Ukraine; intensification of mutually beneficial migration exchanges in the framework of employment, tourism, education, science, research and innovation, investment and business projects; development of common positive practices and formation of experience of effective state regulation of migration processes, convergence of the institutional system of migration regulation with the leading EU models, counteraction to modern migration challenges and threats to Ukraine.

The results of scientific work are of practical importance, which is a comprehensive approach to the analysis of disparities in socio-economic development of Ukraine, as well as the development of methodological tools for assessing and building a proactive policy of agricultural sector development in transformational change. The existential component of the applied content of the cycle of works is the search for drivers to transform the national economy and develop mechanisms to reduce socio-economic imbalances to create conditions for high welfare and quality of life, formation and use of financial, economic, investment and innovation potential.

Number of publications: 1 co-authored monograph, 14 scientific articles (4 in English-language publications, including 2 articles in the Scopus scientometric database). According to databases, the total number of references to publications of authors / h-index of work is different: Web of Science - 6/1, Scopus - 10/1, Google Scholar - 47/3. Received 3 implementations.